Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

The Role of Potash

  1. Promote the synthesis of carbohydrates

When potassium is insufficient, the sucrose and starch in the plant are hydrolyzed into monosaccharides; when potassium is sufficient, the starch synthase is activated, and the monosaccharide is carried out in the direction of synthesizing sucrose or starch.

Potassium promotes the progress of sugars in the direction of polymerization and is beneficial to the synthesis of fibers. Therefore, potassium fertilizer plays an important role in fiber crops such as cotton and hemp.

  1. Promote the transportation of photosynthetic products

Potassium promotes the transport of photosynthetic products to fruits, and the fruit expands rapidly.

  1. Coordinating the relationship between “source” and “library”

Common potash:

Potassium chloride KCl: containing K2O 50-60% (including K 52%, Cl 47.6%).

Properties: White, light yellow or purple red crystal; soluble in water, chemically neutral; hygroscopic, long-term agglomeration, physiological acid fertilizer. It should be used as base fertilizer and applied on acidic soil. It is best to use organic fertilizer in combination with salt and alkali. It is not suitable for application.

Potassium sulfate K2SO4: Containing K2O 50%-54% (including K 43.8%, S 17.6%).

Properties: White or light yellow crystal; soluble in water, chemically acidic; low hygroscopicity; physiological acid fertilizer. It can be used as base fertilizer or top dressing. Potassium sulphate is suitable for all kinds of crops, especially for chlorhexidine potassium crops.

Potassium nitrate KNO3: containing K2O 45%-46% (including K 38%-39%).

Properties: White powder or crystal; soluble in water, chemically neutral; low hygroscopicity.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate KH2PO4: Containing K2O 34% -35% (including K 28%-29%).

Properties: Colorless to white crystalline or crystalline powder; soluble in water, chemically acidic; stable in air; physiologically acidic fertilizer. Currently used for soaking and root dressing, the effect is very good.

Grass ash: It is the residual ash after burning of crop residues such as crop straw and litter. During the combustion process, almost all of the nitrogen is lost, containing various ash elements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon and various trace elements. Among them, potassium and calcium are abundant, and it is customary to regard grass ash as potash. The form of potassium in the plant ash is mainly potassium carbonate, about 90% soluble in water, is a quick-acting potassium fertilizer, so it should be protected from rain during storage and use, so as not to cause nutrient loss.



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