Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

The Fermentation Process of Organic Compost

The fermentation process of organic compost can be divided into the following four stages:


(1) Heating stage: In the early stage of composting, the microorganisms in the compost are mainly medium-temperature and aerobic, and the most common ones are spore-free bacteria, spore bacteria and mold. They start the fermentation process of compost, and under the aerobic conditions, they decompose and easily decompose organic substances (such as simple sugars, starches, proteins, etc.), generate a lot of heat, and constantly increase the compost temperature, rising from 20 °C to 40 °C. It is a heating stage, or a medium temperature phase.


(2) High temperature stage: With the increase of temperature, the hot microbe gradually replaces the moderate temperature type and plays a leading role. The temperature continues to rise, generally reaching 50 ° C or above within a few days and entering the high temperature stage. In the high temperature stage, the hot actinomycetes and the hot fungi become the main species. They strongly decompose complex organic substances (such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin substances, etc.) in compost, accumulate heat, and increase the compost temperature to 60 °C, which plays an important role in accelerating the composting of compost. Improper composting, will only has a short period of high temperature, or no high temperature at all, so the maturity is very slow, and it does not reach the semi-fried state in half a year or longer.


(3) Cooling stage: When the high temperature stage lasts for a certain period of time, most of the cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin substances have been decomposed, leaving complex components (such as lignin) that are difficult to decompose and newly formed humus, microbial activity. Decreased, the temperature gradually decreases. When the temperature drops below 40 °C, the moderate temperature microorganisms become the dominant species.


If the cooling stage comes early, it indicates that the heaping conditions are not ideal and the decomposition of plant matter is not sufficient. At this time, the pile can be turned over, and the stacked materials are mixed to cause a second heat generation and temperature rise to promote the composting of the compost.


(4) Maturation and fertilizer protection stage: After composting, the volume is reduced, and the temperature of the pile is reduced to slightly higher than the temperature. At this time, the compost should be compacted, resulting in an anaerobic state, which weakens the mineralization of organic matter to facilitate fertilizer conservation.


In short, the fermentation process of organic compost is actually the process of metabolism and reproduction of various microorganisms. The metabolic process of microorganisms is the process of decomposition of organic matter. The decomposition of organic matter inevitably produces energy that promotes the composting process, raises the temperature, and also dries the wet matrix.



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