Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Six Methods to Check The Authenticity of Organic Fertilizer

At present, the fertilizer market is more chaotic, and quality is uneven, so how to effectively identify the truth of the organic fertilizer is much related to the fruit trees’ nutritional supplements and the production, quality of the fruit.

1. Check the appearance

The color of real organic fertilizer is gray or dark black, and the powder is loose; while the fake low-quality organic fertilizer is bright black, and the powder is more dense. Therefore the fake shoddy organic fertilizer is more dense than the real organic fertilizer.

2. Dissolved by water  

Dissolve 30 to 50 g of organic fertilizer in a transparent glass. Stir in a glass rod for 1 minute, and then set aside for 10 minutes. Finally check the color of the water in the cup.

Low-quality organic fertilizer is still showing the whole body of black turbidity, but the real organic fertilizer shows a different color from the top to the bottom.  precipitation in the bottom of the cup is light gray sand, the brown part in the middle is the organic material, and the top is grass, tobacco and so on.

3. Judging the fertilizer effect

The lighter the water solution, the worse it is .(light and light yellow fertilizer is low; brown fertilizer is good.)

1)In an hour the aqueous solution completely browns, which indicates that the organic fertilizer or bio organic fertilizer is overripe. The quick effect of the fertilizer effect has no after-effect, and the crop growth will take off in the middle and late stages.

2)After 1 day, the water solution changed little and the color is light, which indicates that the organic fertilizer or the biological organic fertilizer was poor.

3)The water solution slowly deepened, and after 1day become completely brown, that means the organic fertilizer or bio-organic fertilizer has a quick effect.

4. Burning with fire

Poor organic fertilizer is more difficult to burn. A lot of black smoke comes out after burning, and the residue is much. But the real organic fertilizer is easy to burn, and the smoke also shows gray (brown), and the residue is mostly a small amount of gray black powder.

5. Soil dissolution rate

In General, the good organic fertilizer can quickly dissolve into soil, which has the function of activating soil and improving structure, so the fertilizer will thick, big and flexible in following years. Poor organic manure is buried in soil for several months without dissolving, which has no value for soil improvement.

6. Identify the package of biological fertilizer products

1)Check whether there is a microbial fertilizer registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture

The registration certificate of bio-organic fertilizer products is carried out in the department of agriculture’s microbial fertilizer registration center and issued by the ministry of agriculture.

The general organic fertilizer is the fertilizer registration at the soil fertilizer station in the provincial agricultural hall, which is issued by the provincial fertilizer registration certificate.

The method of biological organic fertilizer identification number is “microbiological fertilizer (registered year)” (number) “or” microbial fertilizer (registration year) “(number)”;

2)Check whether the packaging is marked with the number of effective viable count;

3) Check whether the packaging is marked with product date and expiry date.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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