Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Production of Ecological Organic Fertilizer

This technology has been widely used in Yunnan Province, Guangxi Province and other places

Theoretically, the filtered sludge from the sugar factory is called industrial waste. If it is directly discharged on the soil, it will cause soil pollution.

In order to filter mud as the main raw material to produce a new generation of environmentally friendly organic, inorganic, microbial three element composite biological organic fertilizer, turning waste into treasure, Bhutan in virtually elongated sugar industry chain, change the sugar products of a single mechanism, improve the anti risk ability, and the chain extension that is the closed cycle of sugar production schedule is not only the soil biosphere, produce sugarcane, sugarcane for sugar production, waste mud used in the production of fertilizer, fertilizer to fertilize the soil, creating a circular economy.

Sugar production waste organic fertilizer technology required for crop growth and nutrient, the fermentation of semi-finished products into sugarcane, pineapple, rubber, banana, fruits and vegetables and other series of biological organic fertilizer products; after automatic packaging, made of organic fertilizer, organic inorganic fertilizer qualified material or a variety of special fertilizer.

My company applied the technology in Guangxi, a number of sugar companies conducted a pilot production, the relevant departments of the autonomous region testing, product technology, analysis, laboratory results in line with national and industry standards.

1, Raw Materials And Fermentation

The main filter in the sugar factory, appropriate allocation of other raw materials.

Adding Microbial strain to the raw material is beneficial to the complete maturity of the raw material and the improvement of the nutrient content. The fermentation time is about 15-20 days, and the temperature is above 50 degrees. After fermentation, the moisture should be controlled below 30%.

2,Organic Fertilizer Production Technology and Processes

fertilizer production process

No harmful substances are discharged from the whole production process, there is no pollution to the environment.

3,Main Production Processes Requirement

3.1 The raw materials according to the volume ratio of 1:1 running on the ground or in a fermentation groove with turning machine for mixing, 50 degrees above 15 days fermentation, requirements of pile height not less than 1 meters, a width of not less than 2 meters, to ensure one time turning one day, not covered, the aerobic fermentation period to prevent rain water . After the fermentation, using the half-wet crusher crush the raw material.

3.2 Batching, Blending Organic Fertilizer

Add 3% ammonium sulfate or 6.6% ammonium bicarbonate, 2% calcium magnesium phosphate, 1% potassium sulfate, 10% humic acid, and mix.

3.3 Deep Processing( Organic Fertilizer Granulating)

3.4 Coating Organic Fertilizer Granules

Half finished fermentation deployment after crushing, through a conveying system input granulator system, through the new organic fertilizer granulator or disc granulator machine, and then enter the envelope system microbial strains or other raw materials are evenly wrapped in every grain of fertilizer input above, packing equipment

4, Other Notes

4.1 Determine overall moisture requirements according to recipe requirements

4.2 According to the formula and standard requirements, calculate the amount of the above-mentioned ingredients, according to the needs of the delivery. The actual amount of delivery should be greater than the theoretical amount of 0.5%-1.5%.

4.3 Check whether water content is up to standard

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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