Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Organic Fertilizer

1.What is organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer is the use of a variety of rural origin from animal and plant residues or human and animal excreta and other organic materials, a type of natural fertilizer used for the use of ground product or direct tillage, also known as agricultural manure.

2.How many types of organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer can be summarized into the following four categories:

(1)manure fertilizer: including human and livestock manure, animal manure, poultry manure, seaweed feces and silkworm excrement.

(2)compost: including composting, heap composting, straw and biogas fertilizer.

(3)green manure: including cultivated green manure and wild green manure.

(4)miscellaneous fertilizer: including peat and humic acid fertilizer, oil meal, soil fertilizer and sea fertilizer.

What is the difference between chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers ?

(1)Organic fertilizer contains a large amount of organic matter, which has obvious effect on soil fertility; Chemical fertilizers can only provide the inorganic nutrients of crops, and long-term application will have a bad effect on soil, making the soil “more and more greedy”.

(2)Organic fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients, which contains a comprehensive balance of nutrients. However, chemical fertilizer has a single nutrient, which can easily cause nutrient imbalance in soil and food.

(3)The low nutrient content of organic fertilizer requires a lot of application, and the chemical fertilizer is high in nutrient content and the dosage is low.

(4)Long effective time of organic fertilizer; The fertilizer effect period of chemical fertilizer is short and fierce, which can cause nutrient loss and pollute environment.

(5)Organic fertilizer comes from nature, and there is not have any chemicalsynthesis of substances. Long-term application can improve the quality of agricultural products; Chemical fertilizer is a pure chemical synthesis of substances, which can reduce the quality of agricultural products.

(6)In the production and processing process of organic fertilizer, as long as providing the full maturity treatment, then it can improve the crop drought, disease resistance, insect resistance, reduce the use of pesticides after application; Long-term use of chemical fertilizerswill reduce the immunity of plants, under the circumstance crops often require large quantities of chemical pesticides to sustain the growth, which can easily increase the harmful substances in food.

(7)Organic fertilizer contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms, which can promote the biological transformation process in soil and improve soil fertility. Long-term application of chemical fertilizer can inhibit the activity of soil microorganisms, leading to the decrease of automatic regulation ability of soil.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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