Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Orchard Fertilization With 4 Kinds of Fertilization Mashup are Good!

“A crop of flowers, all rely on fertilizer.” This proverb illustrates the importance of organic fertilizer in agricultural production.
Recently, the ministry of agriculture issued the action plan for organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer in fruit tea, this year will choose 100 key county of fruit tea (city, area) to carry out the organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer for testing, and promote the corresponding technical model at apple, citrus, vegetables and tea area.The plan was published, which caused wide public concern.
So how to spread organic fertilizer in orchard? Here writer teach you four technical models.

1 “organic fertilizer + formula fertilizer” mode
Take apple as an example. It needs farmyard manure 3000-4000 kg/mu, or in accordance with “1kg fruit 1kg fertilizer”, and matched Certain quantity of nitrogen phosphate fertilizer.Combined with deep turn over soil, and extension of tree disk, adopt circular furrow or stripe groove method , the best time to spread fertilizer in late autumn and late October.

2 “compound breeding” mode
Take “citrus + chicken” as an example.Select 15 years production orchard.It plants 50-60 plants per mu.The planting garden is suitable for local conditions.The orange garden will be divided into two or three parts, which will be raised alternately or in turn, with a density of 30 to 50 chicken per mu, which will be able to rest the plants and animals such as weeds and insects.

3 “organic fertilizer + water fertilizer integration” mode
Take cherries for an example.Fixed drip irrigation equipment is used to design the terrain.For water pipe, PVC – U tube is adopted, and the pipeline network is arranged with a three-level tube network “feng”.According to the actual situation, the self-pressure micro-irrigation system was adopted by using the bypass fertilizer tank, Venturi injector and injection pump.Small orchard can adopt manual control system, big orchard adopt automatic control system.Basal uses organic fertilizer, additional fertilizer can choose water soluble fertilizer, also can choose humic acid, fulvic acid, amino acids etc soluble organic fertilizer, or by the precipitation, filtration of biogas slurry, fertilizer quantity and number decided on leaf number.When water is too much, water will be drained in time, and the soil moisture in the field will be watered down when the water content is less than 75%.

4 “natural raw grass + green fertilizer” mode
Take the example of green rape and apple.If the soil moisture content is good,the seeding rate is 0.5 kg/mu,if ordinary moisture content,the seeding rate is 0.75 kg/mu,if bad moisture content is 1 kg/mu.Artificial seeding, nail rake shallow, timely replenishing;Planting between rows, Interplanting between crops, sowing with a minimum of 50 cm from the trunk.Before seeding, 5 kg/mu of pure phosphorus was applied, 1 kg/mu of urea was planted when seeding, and 5-6 leaves of rapeseed were used according to the moisture content, and the urea 7-8 kg/mu was pursued.With maximum yield and the principle of not affecting orchard farming, mowing canola is covered directly under the tree plate and can be ploughed into the soil.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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