Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

May Be You Are Not Suitable for Humic Acid Fertilizer!

At present, because the soil, because of fertilizer, because the ecology, people concerned about humic acid more and more, that humic acid, humic acid fertilizer miraculous voice is also more and more.

So what kind of soil can use?  What kind of crop is effective? How to work with fertilizer? Humic acid, humic acid fertilizer should be in accordance with different regions, different soils, different crops, reasonable allocation only effective. The following will talk about the application conditions to use the humus acid, humic acid fertilizer:

First, the soil conditions

Suitable for all kinds of soil, but in different soil conditions, the yield effect is different.

1, organic matter content.

① the lack of organic matter in the barren and low yield field, increase the yield range is bigger;

② in high yield fertile soil,  also can increase production, but the range is not big than the barren field.

2, physical and chemical properties.

Poorly constructed sandy soil, saline soil, acid red loam humic acid, humic acid fertilizer, yield effect is particularly evident

The results showed that: (1) Ammonium humic acid was applied in sandy soils such as Jilin, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi, and the yield of crops was 17.1% ~ 85.7%.

② In the Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi and other saline soil on the application of humic acid ammonium, crop yield can increase 144.6% to 150%;

③ The application of ammonium humate on low-yielding acidic soil in Yunnan could increase crop yield by 39.7%.

3, soil nutrients.

The effect of soil nutrient content on the yield of humic acid fertilizer was significant. ① low nitrogen content, good stimulation effect of humic acid ammonium; high nitrogen content, humic acid ammonium stimulation effect is relatively poor. ② humic acid phosphorus, humic acid nitrogen and phosphorus in the low yield of phosphorus on the soil, the fertilizer effect is more obvious; in the nitrogen and phosphorus less nitrogen and phosphorus serious imbalance in the soil, or on the quicker phosphorus fixation of the soil, the effect is more significant.

4, soil moisture.

① excessive water logging depression, humic acid, humic acid fertilizer can absorb moisture, improve the breathable condition, the emergence of crops, hair root favorable;

② dry arid ground, humic acid, humic acid fertilizer can absorb water, keep the water, soil moisture, reduce evaporation, enhance crop drought resistance;

③ need to point out that humic acid fertilizer is water-like fertilizer, dry soil with irrigation, the effect will be better.

Second, the crop species

Humic acid has a significant effect on various crops, but the relationship with the crop is more complex, and the size of the role of humid acid stimulation and crop sensitivity. Abroad, according to a variety of crops on the role of humic acid stimulation and sensitivity, the crop is divided into the following four categories:

1, the yield effect of sensitive crops are cabbage, radish, tomato, potato, beet, sweet potato and so on.

2, the effect of more sensitive crops are corn, rice, wheat, millet, sorghum, naked oats and so on.

3, the effect of increasing production efficiency of the general crops are cotton, green beans, beans and so on.

In fact, even if the insensitive crops, such as rape, sunflower, castor, linen, etc., but also depends on the application conditions, such as soil, soil fertility, cultivation, etc., can not be generalized.

Third, the use time

humic acid and humic acid fertilizer have the different response for crops in the different growth stages. Generally, the effect of the early growth of the crop is obvious. In the period when the crop life activity is the most vigorous, the effect of the humic acid and the humic acid fertilizer is the most significant in the period when the biological organism is metabolized and the activity of the enzyme is strong. Such as seed germination, seedling rooting, seedling transplanting, plant tilling, flower grouting and other critical period.

Special emphasis, because humic acid itself can not be used as a single nutrient supply, should be combined with the application of technology in order to better play its intensive, functional, personalized effect. Because humic acid source is different, the quality is different, the product characteristic difference is bigger, the humic acid, the humic acid fertilizer product, the application method and the amount of fertilization should be selected according to the soil type, the crop type, the climatic condition and so on, in this way we can full play to increase the role of humic acid, humic acid fertilizer.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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