Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

How does the organism fermentation into organic fertilizer?

Biological organic fertilizer is organic solid waste (including organic waste, straw, agricultural sideline products, livestock and poultry dung, bean meal and food processing solid waste) produced by the biological fertilizer strains fermentation, deodorant and completely rotten organic fertilizer. It can adjust soil, activate soil microbial activity rate, overcome soil board knot, increase soil air permeability.It will improve soil fertility and increase the production of food crops, economic crops, vegetables and fruits.Production methods

According to local raw materials for production, such as urban living garbage and all kinds of crops straw, leaves, weeds, vines, straw, pine sawdust, peanut shell, chaff powder, chaff, bagasse, edible fungi slag, fruit slag, lees, brewer’s grains, sugar residue and vinegar residue, starch residue, cassava dregs, soy sauce slag, monosodium glutamate slag, citric acid slag slag, slag powder, tofu slag, medical slag, oil slag, oil cake meal, bran and cotton slag, rapeseed meal, feed mildew, mud,slaughter scraps, swill,sugar mill brewery slag, leftovers, animal waste and other waste.

Operation of fermentation fertilizer:

1, The general dosage of the bacteria is 0.2%- 0.5%.

2, Raw materials and requirements: the main material: fruit slag, slag dry bagasse, edible fungus, lees, slag brewer’s grains, sugar, vinegar residue, starch, cassava dregs, soy sauce slag, monosodium glutamate slag, citric acid slag, slag powder, tofu slag, medical slag, oil slag, oil cake meal, bran and cotton meal, rapeseed meal, feed mildew, sludge, mud, slaughter scraps, sugar mill brewery slag,swill,leftovers, animal manure and other bulk materials.

Auxiliary materials: various crops straw, leaf weeds, melon rattan, straw, pine shell, peanut shell, sawdust, grain flour, chaff, etc. The materials is dry, pulverized, high carbon.

3, Original auxiliary materials: main material: supplementary material = 5:1-3:1.

4, Water control is 60%- 65% ,holding materials are just out of the water.

5, Mix the fungi, main materials and accessories in accordance with requirements

6, Environment temperature should more than 15 ℃, a pile of materials not less than 4 squares, heaped up 1.5 ~ 2 meters wide, 0.6 meters high, unlimited length of pile, Punch holes in the fermentation pile

7, Turning materials when the temperature rise to 50 ℃, one time per day, if reactor temperature over 65 ℃, turning it again.control temperature under 70 ℃, if the temperature is too high,it’s bad for nutrients.

8, Decomposed mark: the heap temperature reduced, the material is loose, the materials has no stink, the smell of slightly ammonia, and the white mycelium is produced in the reactor.

9, Mature fertilizer: direct use, production of organic fertilizer, bio-organic fertilizer, organic inorganic compound fertilizer, bio-organic inorganic compound fertilizer, etc.

Note: The total moisture of the fermented mixture should be controlled at 60 ~ 65 %.Too high and too low are bad for fermentation, too little water will cause slow fermentation;Too much water can lead to poor ventilation, slow warming and a bad smell.Water suitable or not: hand tightly grab a handful of materials, fingers to see watermark but water not drop, the landing is scattered.

If you add 1 kg of urea or 10 kilograms of super-phosphate fermentation per ton.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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