Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Fresh Manure Fermentation Processing

1.Small capacity organic fertilizer factory processing steps (raw material is fresh manure)

1.1 Add Leaven

1 kilogram leaven could be added in 10-20 tons fresh manure, because the quantity of leaven is too small. 1 kilogram leaven can be mixed with 100 kilograms rice husk or sawdust. Then add fresh manure evenly.

1.2 Processing

1.2.1 Arrangement work

a. Weight the manure before fermentation (for example, If ferment 1ton manure, could weight 100kilograms,calculate the volume of 1ton manure, calculate the volume of 10ton manure, etc…,also could weight 1 truck manure, then could know total weight according to the quantity of manure shipping by truck.

b,Add 0.1kilograme leaven in per 1.5 ton manure, mix leaven with rice husk or sawdust( then could spread evenly.)

1.2.2 Processing steps:

1. Break large lump in raw materials

2. Spread mixed leaven evenly.

3. Fresh manure have high water content, so it needs toadd some dry materials(like straw, rice husk etc..) evenly into manure, to control the water content at about 60%, it means, grab some materials in hand, use hand press into a ball, then fell to the ground, the ball become small pieces. In general, add 100-200 kg dry materials into 1000 kg manure materials.

4. People or ferment turner machine mix the dry materials, manure, leaven evenly. Break large lumps.

5. Don’t need to press the mixture.

1.3 Attention:

a. the height of material stacking can’t be more than 1.2meter, width can’t less than 1.5meter, and length is not request.

b. Ferment dry manure with leavenis allowed.

c. . Put materials in tank to promote fermentation and water evaporation.

1.4 Ferment compost

Temperature could reach above 55 degree within 48 hours, then bad smell gradually disappeared, worms and weed seeds will die; few days later, white bacteria will appear over the surface.

1.5 Compost quality standard.

No large lump, no steel, no stone; it’s form is loose, has no bad smell, looks Dark brown or black color, and water content is about 30%.

2. Large capacity of organic fertilizer factory processing steps(raw material is fresh manure)

2.1 Leave same as small capacity.

2.2 Processing

2.2.1 Mix proportion of raw material and other material

1. Fork-lift truck loading with manure, and weight the manure. Then loading Auxiliarymaterials(like straw, rice husk etc..),and weight. The Weight Proportion of manure and Auxiliary material is about 5 to 10 :1. Confirm the proportion, then could get good compost.

2. Put the raw materials in fermentation tank by Fork-lift truck, height at least 1meter. Spread the mixed leaven in materials evenly.

2.2.2 Fermentation steps

1. Turning raw materials with leaven at least two times (after spread leaven), then could turning 1 time per day.

2. Ferment time at least 5 days from the day materials temperatureabove 50 degree. And turning times should at least 7 times, total ferment time at least 1 week.

3. Ferment time more than one week, could make fertilizer( crush, screening, mix with other materials, granulating, drying, cooling, packing etc…),if do not intend to further processing, could snacked in a area, height could be above 3meter, to prevent loss of nutrients, could cover with plastic film.

By Shunxin Fertilizer Machinery



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