Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

What Is Organic Matter?

The natural organic matter mainly comes from surficial vegetation, microorganism in the soil and wastes of geobiont and plant roots. After complicated biochemical process, stable humus is generated. It is the main part of organic matter in soil, and it is one of the standards for testing soil fertility.

  1. Generally, humus is a kind of organic colloid, which has large superficial area and high surface energy. Humus can absorb soluble nutrients. Besides, humus can improve fertility of soil.
  2. Organic matter can make soil swampy. Accordingly, water permeability of soil will get improved. Water absorption of humus is times higher than it of clay. Thus, organic matter can enhance water retaining capacity of soil.
  3. Humus is acidulous, so it can adjust PH value of soil. Acidic material in humus can react with phosphorous.
  4. Fresh humus is good cement in soil. This kind of cement can improve sponginess and permeability of soil. Abundant organic matter is easy to form big granular structure which is stable in soil. Organic matter in soil is in dark color, so it can absorb more heat for soil.


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