Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

The Usage and Advantages of Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Pot

Traditional method of biofertilizer fermentation requires a large area. In traditional way, if you want to compost 30,000 tons of fertilizer per year, you must have an area about 3000 square meters. However, by using organic fertilizer fermentation pot, you just need to have an area about 40 square meters to compost 30,000 tons of fertilizer per year. Compared with traditional method, it takes a much shorter time to compost in the fermentation pot. In general, the traditional composting process will last for more than 20 days while the composting process in the fermentation pot will last for half a day. With high level of mechanization, it is easy to operate this machine. In traditional method, you need to hire many workers to work for the composting process. However, just one person is enough to operate one or more machines. In addition, this organic fertilizer fermentation pot is well-adapted. In traditional method, in winter and alpine-cold regions, organic fertilizer can not be composted. However, in fermentation pot, you can compost organic fertilizer anytime and anywhere.

The advantages of organic fertilizer fermentation pot:

  1. The machine is highly automatic and well-sealed, and there is no secondary pollution during composting.
  2. The vertical pot structure can save floor space.
  3. The inner part of the fermentation pot is made of 304 stainless steel which is anti-corrosive, and this pot has a long service life.
  4. The inner insulation layer of the pot is made of polyurethane.


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