Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Round Polishing Fertilizer Granulator

The organic fertilizer round polishing machine is the latest technology product developed by the Institute of Agricultural Machinery according to their years of experience in equipment designing of compound fertilizer processing and compound fertilizer production, also it has obtained the national utility model patent. It is used to granulate all kinds of organic matters after fermentation. The organic fertilizer round polishing machine broke through the conventional organic granulation process-no drying and crushing of raw materials before granulation. You can produce spherical particles after direct raw mix proportioning, which is able to save a lot of energy.

Main performance and characteristics:

  1. The produced particles are spherical shape.
  2. The organic content can be as high as 100%, which achieves the goal of pure organic granulation.
  3. No adhesive is needed during granulation due to the principle that the organic particles can be mosaic with each other to grow bigger in a certain force.
  4. Strong particles, can be immediately screened after granulation, which reduce the drying rate and energy consumption.
  5. The organic matters need no drying after fermentation. The moisture content of the raw material can be ranged between 20-40%.

The structure and granulation principles:

  1. The press roller of this model adopts the oblique wheel. Both ends of the wheel rotates at the same rate with the inner and outer ring line of the mould plate, so it will never appear dislocation friction between the wheel and mold, which reduce the resistance and kinetic energy loss, extend the service life of the mold.
  2. Pressure roller evenly set, smooth operation, which put an end to the phenomenon of easy feeding like ordinary flat-die pressure roller.
  3. This machine using the central press regulator structure to adapt to different materials and to ensure the suppression effect. Such as compression molding of wood chips, corn stalks and other similar materials require very large pressure. Among the same type of granulation equipment, the roller parts is the central part of the equipment. We adopts high quality alloy steel to improve the service life of the roller.
  4. The model is equipped with a variety of aperture molds, to adapt to different materials granulation and achieve the best results.

Pellets made by the organic fertilizer round polishing machine:

polishing fertilizer particles

Scope of application:

Mainly applicable to coarse fiber granulation, such as various crop stalks like wood chips, rice husk, cotton, cottonseed, weeds and so on, as well as household garbage, factory waste, all of which are low adhesion rate and difficult for molding. In addition, The organic fertilizer round polishing machine also used for the low-temperature granulation of biological fertilizer, organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer.



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