Shunxin fertilizer production line & machines

Notes About Using Biofertilizer as Topdressing

  1. Organic fertilizer contains a certain amount of available nutrient. However, compared with compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer can not work quickly. Therefore, if you want to use organic fertilizer as topdressing, you should spray it ahead of the time when you use compound fertilizer as topdressing.
  2. The purpose of topdressing is to provide nutrient for crops growth, but different organic fertilizer products are different about nutrient content. Which may lead to a result that certain elements are too less for the growth needs of crops. So when an element deficiency occurs, a suitable single element fertilizer should be used to supplement nutrient for the crop.
  3. The amount of topdressing should be adjusted according to the change of environment. For example, when the ground temperature is low, the microbial activity is slow, and the nutrient release of organic fertilizers is slow. Thus you can use more base fertilizer and less topdressing. When the ground temperature is high, the microbial activity is enhanced. If the amount of base fertilizer is excessive, it will inevitably lead to excessive decomposition of the fertilizer which can not be absorbed by crops. Therefore, in this case, the amount of topdressing should be increased and the amount of base fertilizer should be decreased so as to achieve the efficient use of fertilizer.


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